Click on satellite name, region name, or check boxes to toggle view of the Global WFABBA composite overview from yesterday and today in a Google Earth interface. The "map" link will open the same data on a Google Map interface with fewer interactive features but greater browser compatibility. For more details continue to the bottom of the page or click question mark to the right.
Link to
temporal product in Google Earth interface.

* Application requires Google Earth 6.1 or later: available here
* Use check boxes to view fire detections from today and yesterday.
"Today" is defined as 0000 UTC today through the most recent available image.
* Use the Google navigation tools to pan and zoom to find your region of interest.
The background map is a static "blue marble" provided by Google for illustrative purposes only.
* Clicking on a fire icon will show metadata for the selected fire pixel. In some cases fire icons will be stacked as a result of multiple fire detections in the same region.
* The coverage shows the approximate extent of the WFABBA processing for each platform. Algorithm performance may be suspect in the limb region defined by the outer thick circle and thin inner circle. Detailed fire, cloud and block-out zone masks are available upon request.
* Fire symbols do not represent the size of the fire or the exact location. Zoom in to see a shaded rectangle that represents the approximate pixel area (not necessarily representative of the pixel shape). Navigation errors tend to increase with increasing latitude or increasing scan angle and can be on the order of the pixel size.
* MODIS - FIRMS fire symbols and
represent MODIS-Aqua and MODIS-Terra fire detection locations. These fires were not detected with the WFABBA technique, but rather the MODIS-FIRMS technique. More information is available here and here
* VIIRS fire symbols represent VIIRS fire detection locations. These fires were not detected with the WFABBA technique, but rather the VIIRS technique. More information is available here